Thursday, January 25, 2007

Is Coaching Right for Everyone?

Good Question. Is "Coaching" right for everyone?

Probably. Or at least for most people. But coaching comes in many varieties and sizes. There are lots of things to consider when looking for a coach.

For instance, Tiger Woods doesn't look for a Life Coach when he is trying to improve his golf swing. Tiger Woods though, is a great example. Here he is, the number 1 ranked golfer in the world. As good as he is, he relies on a golf coach, someone to help him with his golf swing and his overall game.

When my wife wanted to get into better condition, she went to a Personal Fitness Trainer - another type of coach.

Depending on what the primary issues are in your life, will determine the type of coach you need.

A good example of specific coaching is my friend, who has gotten me started with Blogging, Mike Sansone, of ConverStations. He is a Blog Coach. He has coached me to start Blogging.

The type of coaching we do at Solutions Kept Simple is Leadership Coaching. We work with individuals, business owners, business managers, to help them be more successful. We help them define what Success means to them. Next, we work to help them achieve their success.

As a person works toward being successful, we need to focus on the issues at hand, and help them overcome them. The issues may range from personal life issues, to business challenges, to dealing with management/personnel issues and a myraid of other situations in between.

Back to the original question: Is Coaching Right for Everyone?

The answer is: Probably.
Are you at the top of your game?
Are you the best in your company?
Are you the best in your Business?
If not, what are you doing to get there?
Who are you working with,
Who is coaching you,
to help you become the best you can be?

The next issue is: Identifying your issues and what type of coach is right for you.

PS. For what it is worth, I believe in practicing what you preach. I have been working with my "Coach" for over 5 years now.

1 comment:

Coach Marty said...

I invite you to share your comments and experiences with using a Life Coach, Executive Coach, Personal Coach, or any other type of coach.