Friday, January 26, 2007

Prepare for Success: Who's Responsibility?

Prepare for Success: Who's Responsibility?

Preparing for success: Who's responsibility is it?
Is it your responsibility?
Or is it my responsibility?
Or is it the responsibility of your supervisor?
Perhaps the HR department. Afterall, they make the announcement.

Is your success my responsibility?
Perhaps. I am as good a person to blame as any. I have answers but haven't shared them with you yet.

Is your success your supervisor's responsibility?
That is a good choice. He or She is working with you every day. They make recommendations when a person is to be promoted. If they give you the plum assignments with lots of visibility you are sure to be successful. But if they give me one of those impossible jobs, it is their fault as well. Maybe we should put the blame on the supervisor. Yes, that would be a good place to put it.

If you aren't responsible for your own success, then you can quit reading now and save yourself the time.

On the other hand, if you do take responsibility for yourself, you already have a better chance of being successful.

Responsibility and Accountability are two traits of successful people.
Successful people accept the challenge and take responsibility for their actions and for their results.

The next question is:
What are you doing to prepare yourself to be successful?

There are a number of steps you can take, but first, you need to define success.

Remeber the addage about "if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." The same applies to your success. Unless you define success you won't know when you achieve it.

After you define Your Success, then you can proceed.
Once Success is defined, you can take an objective look at what you want to accomplish and what needs to be done in order to get there.

Take a look at your life.
Look at the different aspects of your life: job/career/position, your financial position, relationships, life style, health.

Is this where you want to be?
If the answer is yes, Congratulations and keep up the good work.

If the answer is no, in any of those areas, then stop and think about it.
What are you doing now to be successful?
What do you need to do differently to be successful?
The key word is "Differently".

The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing, and expecting different results.

If you don't like where you are today, do something about it.
Stop making excuses.
Stop blaming somebody else.
And personally take responsibility for making your success happen.

I welcome responses to this blog.

For additional information or dialogue, visit my website:
Labels: accountability, Success, Successful


Jill Haverkamp said...

Success is in each of our hands. I think if you set goals and line out how to achieve them, anything can be accomplished with hard work.

Cindy said...

Your statements on taking responsbility for your success and not passing on this responsibility are two good points.

Its easy to blame or make excuses for why things are not occurring.

But also first even defining what you would consider success and working towards it is a keep first step. Its easy to just work on the day-to-day tasks and get lost in these.